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King of seas

The game

Genre : Flash Game

Developers : 3 Game Designer and 2 Artists

Time to do it : 2 months

Pitch : 

In King of seas, become the best captain by reaching your main objectif. Kill the different pirates who stand in front of you and your objectif. 

Year of schooling = Second Year

General Informations








Softwares Used

What I have done

  • Level Design :

    • Made the 2D Layout of the Arena​

    • Made the arena in 3D with the terrain building of Unity

    • Put the assets on the Island

    • Balance the game/Test the game

  • Programmer :

    • Made the different Menu of the game

    • Made the mortar who give some health points to the two boats

    • Made the wall all around the arena

Game Design part

Game Design Part

The principe of the game is to arrive at the main goal of the game to be the most powerful pirate in the world. Our world is a fictif world, composed at 85% of water. It is working with arenas. The character will face different arena to arrive to his objectif. And in those arenas, the mission will be different, like to kill every boat in the arena, take control of a fort or to take control of a boat.

In our final prototype we decide to mix some areas and the captain will face to a boat (destroy it), and a fort (destroy it)


The fort is at the middle of the map, it fires on the main character's boat when it close enough. And to don't be useless and add some challenge, we add a mortar which gives some health to the enemy boat but also to the boat of the main character (it's add some strategy)

For the mortar, its functioning is simple. Every 15 secondes, the mortar will fire on the enemy boat position to give it some health point. This work for the Character's boat too. And the player will know when it will fire thanks to the HUD. The mortar will stop firing if the fort is destroy.


For the enemy in the arena, it has a specific path that it will follow until it sees the character's boat. When it sees the character's boat, it will follow the player and engage the fight.  


Other features

Bateau qui tourne.gif

Character's boat

The character's boat can do a lot of thing to defend itself against the fort and the enemy boat.

  • Play with the anvil to completely stop the boat 

  • Manage the speed of the sails : two speed

  • Fire on each side of the boat by giving order 

  • Control the boat 

  • Repair it

The mini map

The mini map is just here to indicate where the fort and the enemy boat is, in the map.


My inspiration

My Inspiration

My main inspirations were Sea of thieves for the cartoon/funny side and Assassin's Creed Black Flag for the island who allow to the player to player with them if he is in a fight (turn around).

My intentions

My intentions
  • Create the feeling to be a pirate and to be into the fight (like AC4)

  • Make in fact that the player can use the Islands to help himself against the enemies

The map

The map

After all the Game Design mechanics, I started the 2D Layout of an entire arena if it has to exist. Judge obviously, to big I delete a huge part of the arena. And some feature because we didn't have the time to do it. 

KOS caption.png

After the confirmation of the 2D layout with all the team. I started to make the terraforming of the map with an entire terrain for each Island. An terrain for each Island allow me to move them easily for the path of the two boats.  

When the terraformation over, I putted all the GA assets on it (trees and rock), for the textures I took some free textures on the asset stores because our GA didn't get the time to do it.



And after push everything on Git, I coded some features to help the main programmer. 



The first feature is the mortar who give some life to the two boats

So for this feature, I called a VFX and a sound from the fort. And just after that I started a loop who said if the cooldown of the image is at 0, the green cercle spawn at a specific position (an empty object add in the hierarchy of the boat) and the cannonball spawn in Y that every member of the group can choose (I received a little help for this one).

And for the cannonball I just had a Velocity to make it fall and a line Destroy, to destroy it after a specific time.

And after all of this the main programmer pass after me to optimize a little more. And add the script to increase the life and the other VFX.



The other stuff I coded was the menu of the game. For the main menu I just call the different scene, except for the option menu who just is a Set Active true/false. (For the line of the option menu I follow a tutorial).


The last menu scene was the contract menu and the Level Selector. For this menu it's just some button and an image in a empty object that I can SetActive true when the player choose a mission and when he clicks on back is SetActive False the empty object. 

And for the switch of lock and the two rudders, is just in the image option and an avent trigger.



The last thing I coded was a mode, we thought about it. We didn't have the time to implanted it but the mode was suppose to appear in a specific arena, where the character need to go on the boat when the enemy boat is low life. 

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